Reading @ Beeches
At Beeches Junior School, we intend to create confident readers who have the ability to develop a deep and true understanding of what they read and appreciate the importance and value of reading for pleasure and purpose. We aim to foster and promote a love of reading, fluency, and an ability to comprehend information. It is important for us that children are able to comprehend at a high level rather than just sight read. We aim to create a love of reading through encouraging reading at home and working closely with parents to do this is vital. In order to foster a love of reading across various genres, we aim to expose children to a wide range of texts and purchase books accordingly. As part of our anti-racism and equality ethos, we are committed to purchasing books that represent our children and community through characters and authors. Our learning around reading both in terms of decoding and comprehension is based on the objectives as outlined in the National Curriculum.
Supporting your child at home
Reading with your child is imperative for their development, not just in their ability to read. Ideally, children should be reading out loud and hearing others read out loud every day for at least ten minutes. The earlier this habit starts, the easier it is to sustain.
Children can choose from a wide range of leveled books that they can take home to read and continue to read during our daily ERIC (Everbody Reading In Class) sessions. Children are encouraged to use a range of strategies in selecting texts and are given a level that enables them to be challenged as readers yet still fluently access the text, with a limited amount of unfamiliar vocabulary.
When your child reads at home they need to complete their Beechers Brilliant Reader bookmark. If a parent is signing it, then a signature and comment are sufficient. If your child is completing the bookmark on their own then they need to answer one of the question stems (found on the front of the bookmark) in the space provided.
5 signatures and tasks completed means your child can get a raffle ticket and a chance to win a book.
When reading with your child, if your child is struggling with any unfamiliar words, there are a range of strategies (see left) you can use with them to help them understand them. Please ensure they are understanding what they are reading. Many children can read fluently out loud without the comprehension of what they have read. One of the ways that this can be done is by using the question stems on the front of the bookmark to create questions to ask the children.
Our Reading Curriculum
Across the week there are typically 4 half-hour sessions that follow the VIPERS pedagogical process. This process breaks down reading comprehension into six separate areas linked closely with the national curriculums' reading content domains:
Vocabulary Inference Prediction Explain Retrieval Summarise
Session 1 - A short video stimulus is used to create discussions in relation to the skill to be covered during the unit.
Session 2 - Test-style questions and activities about the video from the previous day.
Session 3 - Children to read and discuss an age-expected text
Session 4 - Test-style questions and activities about the text from the previous day.
At Beeches Junior School, we recognise that reading is the avenue to a successful future so it is vital that we, as eduators, provide the correct stepping stones for a child to read fluently and be able to comprehend. Phonetical knowledge is the foundation of reading and will open doors to a child's love of reading. Little Wandle - Rapid Catch up is our chosen phonics based programme that will provide the children with the knowledge to decode at an increased speed. Children identified as working below age-related expectations will be assessed on their arrival into Beeches Junior School using the Little Wandle assessments. According to their ability, they will be grouped and will attend a daily 20 minute session.
Children will be assessed every four weeks in all phases to ensure progress and identify gaps that need revisiting. Depending on the children's needs and gaps, groups can change to ensure that children are making the progress and moving swiftly through the programme.