Intent: At Beeches Junior School, geography is taught via four key areas: place knowledge, locational knowledge, human and physical geography, and geographical skills and fieldwork. We want our geography curriculum to incite genuine interest in our learners so that they are intrigued to further their inquisition independently throughout their time at Beeches and beyond. We aim to deliver high quality geography teaching, using the national curriculum, that offers our children the foundations for a greater understanding and knowledge of the world, as well as their place in it. We want to enable children to develop knowledge and progressive skills that are transferable to other curriculum areas, and which can, and are, used to promote their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. We want to promote the children’s interest and understanding of diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. We also aim to provide children the chance to use and develop their skills outside of the classroom on local visits, residential visits and fieldtrips. Throughout the curriculum, lessons are carefully tailored to guarantee the appropriate skills are being developed, with the focus being on progression across all year groups.
Implementation: Teachers have identified the key knowledge and skills of each topic and consideration has been given to ensure progression across topics throughout each year group across the school. At the beginning of each topic and each subsequent lesson, children convey what they know already. This informs the programme of study and ensures that lessons are relevant and take account of children’s different starting points. Children are given clear learning intentions at the start of lessons; often a question-based approach and these are discussed together to consider how they fit into the overarching topic. Cross curricular links allow children to use and develop their new skills. First hand practical experiences, allowing for development of the different investigation skills are used; as are a range of resources, outdoor spaces and technology to support learning. Children should be introduced to a range of vocabulary linked to their topic in each lesson. They will gain an understanding of it, use it effectively in their work and revisit it on a regular basis. Children are given the opportunities to explore their local environment and beyond. All learning and activities are planned to be accessible to all learners, including SEND, G&T and other varying abilities. Additional enrichment is provided through theme days/weeks within schools, outside providers delivering clubs/workshops/assemblies in school, school trips, after school/lunchtime clubs, access to regional or national competitions and others. These are made accessible to all ages and abilities.
Impact: Geography is a subject that is engaging and enjoyable for pupils, which fosters a love of geography as a subject and an appreciation of the world around them. Teachers have the confidence and knowledge to deliver a well-planned and interesting curriculum to pupils using a range of resources and approaches. Pupils make good progress in their acquisition of skills, knowledge and conceptual understanding. Children access a range of different learning opportunities, both in and out of the classroom. Staff evaluate the impact of their teaching and learning and develop their practice to suit the learners in their classroom. The subject leader can identify strengths and areas for development of the subject and act upon it in the interest of the school. During geography lessons, children’s learning is measured using observations, key questions, marking and annotations of their work and other forms of Assessment for Learning. This is used to support the planning and development of teaching and learning in the short term. Summative assessments (Kahoot quizzes) are carried out at the end of each topic to monitor progress. This supports teacher assessment during the year as well as the subject leader’s monitoring of data to aid in planning for development of the subject.