Beeches Road, Birmingham, West Midlands, B42 2PY

0121 272 5888

Beeches Junior School

Aspire, Believe, Strive, Achieve


Intent: It is highlighted by the Local Authority that there is a significant need for all citizens, including pupils, “to be able to understand and engage effectively with religious and non-religious issues on a local, national and global level.”

We aim to use an enquiry-based approach for pupils, by the end of KS2, to develop a knowledge and understanding about a range of religious and non-religious worldviews. This approach deepens children’s critical thinking skills through greater subject knowledge in addition to their own spiritual development. Our aim, in line with the Birmingham Agreed Syllabus, is for all pupils to develop skills to consider world and community issues from their own perspective and an analytical viewpoint. Religious Education is taught across the school in a way which reflects the school’s values as well as British Values such as, mutual respect and individual liberty; ensuring that children are aware of their rights and responsibilities as citizens of the UK. Through this, pupils will learn to express their views and insights while agreeing or disagreeing respectfully. Our aims ensure that all pupils receive an inclusive religious education, representing the diverse city and school that they are a part of. Following the Agreed Syllabus, alongside our chosen scheme, we provide pupils with the opportunity to identify, share and explore life values and worldviews through application and development of 24 dispositions and values, promoting a personal, spiritual, and moral character for our pupils.

Implementation: Hour long R.E. lessons are taught weekly, by the class teacher. R.E. is planned in accordance with the Birmingham Agreed Syllabus alongside the Discovery R.E. scheme. This scheme follows a 4-year rolling programme across KS2, ensuring even coverage of the key religions with an enquiry-based approach and progression of skills across the key stage. The coverage of Discovery R.E. is parallel with the expectations of the Birmingham Agreed Syllabus where each topic can link to the 24 dispositions and values. Pupils’ work is recorded in R.E. books using a variety of outcomes as suggested by the agreed syllabus. At the beginning of each topic, children are given the opportunity to record what they already know in relation to the religion and enquiry question, on a concept map and are shown the targets for the upcoming topic. The enquiry question is then threaded through the lessons whilst building factual knowledge, addressing misconceptions, and developing critical thinking skills. Teachers aim to differentiate lessons through the tasks planned to further develop greater depth children as well as support those with SEN. Children then review their targets at the end of the topic, selecting a best fit statement and summarise what they have learnt across the lessons. In addition to lessons, we conduct whole school assemblies, religious celebrations and invite faith visitors. Local places of worship are visited by every year group to further understand and experience different faith groups, understand key beliefs and respect the beliefs and practices of different groups in the wider world. As a school we promote British Values by understanding how citizens can influence decision making through the democratic process, by showing an understanding that the freedom to choose and hold other faiths and beliefs is protected in law and also understanding the importance of identifying and combating discrimination.


The effective teaching of RE will provide the children with opportunities to acquire a deep knowledge and appreciation of the different world religions in the context of the school, local area and wider world as well a spiritual, moral, social and cultural development that is further supported by PSHE lessons, British Values and the school’s anti-racism program. Through RE lessons, celebrations, religious visitors and visits, children will further understand the experiences of different faith groups, their key beliefs and develop a respect and ability to reflect on differences in values, attitudes and beliefs. Additionally, children will have a sense of belonging and pride when their religion or beliefs are acknowledged, taught about, respected and celebrated in school.

Year 4 visited the Vihara, which is a Buddist temple. Maddison (4P) has written about it:
On Friday 3rd February, we went to visit a Buddhist temple
called a Vihara. When we arrived, we were greeted by a
Buddhist monk who told us about his life as a monk, all about
other monks and their way of life. We learned about the
important teachings for Buddhist monks and they showed us
a video about the life of the Buddha. The monk who was
teaching us was very hospitable and answered all of our
questions and we had a great time learning.

Visit to Beeches Evangelical Church

As a diverse community we embrace all religions

By year 4
By year 4





Buddhism by year 6
Buddhism by year 6