The maths curriculum changed in 2014. This is what we are following.
Click the link below to view.
We are following a scheme of work specifically written by our Maths lead for our children. Teachers will enhance these lessons with a range of resources from different sources. All resources are selected carefully by the mathematics' leader and are then chosen using the teacher's knowledge of the children's needs.
Our maths' lessons are 55 minutes long. Each lesson will include the 3 aims: number fluency, problem solving and reasoning.
Every year, in Year 4, the government's Times Tables test takes place (MTC - Multiplication Times Check.). This will be for our Year 4 pupils only and usually takes place towards the end of May, beginning of June. Times Tables and the related division facts are important for all of our children to know and support their learning across maths and real life situations. Regular practise is proven to be of a great help to our children across the curriculum. All children have access to the TTRockstars website - please see the homework information below.
Practise your number facts:
Help with real life situations - estimate the cost of the weekly shop. Add how much an order will cost and how much change you would get. Tell your family how long your favourite programme is on for, what time it starts and finishes. What if it started 10 minutes late etc - telling the time is a skill that needs regular practise.
Scrabble with a touch of maths
Children are set homework each week in their home work books - it covers last week's, this week's and next week's. This is to help reinforce what has been taught and so that you can see what will be taught and you can support at home. Children also have FREE access to the Times Tables Rockstars website, where the more they use the site, the more individualised the learning becomes.
You can access the site below.